Captivating Conference Venues In Lambertville, NJ
We make it easy to execute exceptional business meetings and events. Our experienced event planners are on hand each step of the way to tend to every detail. Complimentary Wi-Fi, a business center and the latest audio-visual equipment ensure flawless presentations. Ample onsite parking make getting here a breeze. Innovative American cuisine at our restaurant or customized in-house catering will impress guests. Meetings have never been so simple.
Successful Meetings & Events Begin With
- Event Planning Services
- Audio-Visual Equipment
- Restaurant
- Recreational Activities
- Elegant Guest Rooms
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- Customized Menus
- Business Center
- Modern Amenities
- Close to NYC & Philly
- Free Onsite Parking
- Four Distinctive Venues
- Team Building Activities
- Airport Shuttle (fee)